Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Auntie Terra Comes to Visit

Auntie Terra (Terra, Phoenix and Frodo are all related to each other) came to visit us while Gwen went to Hawaii. At first Terra was not sure about a puppy ruining her trip to the country, but she quickly warmed to Frodo. Here is a photo sequence showing how the week went. I got everyone as posed as I could, then Frodo attacked Wallace, finally Phoenix broke her downstay and joined in on the melee. (Frodo is underneath her). Note the expression on Terra's face ("Amateurs!").

Also notice how Frodo's and Terra's neck markings are mirror images of each other. I got my Terra dog after all!

1 comment:

Traci said...

awww, how fun to see Terra and Phoenix together - considering I have Dakota and Sedona together all the time - siblings and siblings :) Call me hokey or sentimental, but I love it :) Thanks for the pictures!!!